Category Archives: Events

Mark Your Calendar: This Moment is Your Miracle (May 2019)

Jenny and Greg Donner, teachers of A Course in Miracles, will be offering a workshop at F.C.C. in early May 2019 as they come through Binghamton on their U.S. tour.

Greg and Jenny will guide students deeper into the teachings of A Course in Miracles using David Hoffmeister’s new book, This Moment Is Your Miracle, as a springboard.

Come and join us for an experience that is deeply healing and authentic.

When:  Saturday, May 4, 7-9pm, and Sunday, May 5, 2-6pm.

Where:  First Congregational Church, 30 Main St, Binghamton, N.Y.

This even is co-sponsored by FCC’s Adult Education Committee.

For more information, please visit Jenny Donner’s site.

Featured Image Credit: Public Domain Pictures.

Mark Your Calendar: The Spring (Spiritual) Happening 2019

Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 4th, 9-5 p.m.

That’s when this year’s Spring Happening will be held here at First Congregational Church.

Attendees can stop by and hear talks on spiritual topics, browse the $1 Spiritual Books tables, share spiritual conversation, and break bread (well, sample from the various salads that participants and attendees are welcome to bring to the share-a-dish meal!).

This year’s Spring Happening speakers include Jim Bryden, Tom Meade, Art Suggs, Tom Moberg, and Rick Gridley.

The requested donation for the event is $10, and attendees are invited to bring a salad to share for the bring-a-dish meal.

The Spring Happening is co-sponsored by Binghamton Spiritual Study Group and First Congregational Church.

Learn more about the speakers and the event.

EVENTS: Our Annual Rummage Sale

‘Tis the Season

The U.C.C. First Congregational Church’s

Annual Rummage Sale



It’s Eco-Conscious — Re-Use, Recycle, Re-Purpose. Done.

It’s Budget-Conscious: Clothing, Housewares, Books, and More.

It’s Community Conscious.

It’s in a Gorgeous Historic Church.

And Has Yummy Baked Goods Available.


Saturday, October 20th, 2018


First Congregational Church, 30 Main Street, Binghamton, N.Y.

What Time?

Doors open at 9:00 a.m.


Contact the F.C.C. Office at

EVENTS: Face It! Theatre Presented: The Fertile River, by Vincent Terrell Durham, at F.C.C.

Just shy of 500 people attended the showings of The Fertile River in mid-September at First Congregational Church.

Vincent Terrell Durham. Photo courtesy of

The Fertile River is the work of playwright Vincent Terrell Durham, who was born and raised in Binghamton and graduated from BHS.

The play’s cast included Foster Daniels as Uncle Jesse, Joyann Kershaw as River, Qiana Watson as Mama Cora, Samuel Fraser as the boy Arthur, and Terri-Jo Ramia as Miss Sarah.

Face It! Theatre put on the production of the play, which was offered freely and open to the public.

“We think of ourselves as a social justice theatre,” FaceIt! Theatre‘s founder, Jim Michalec, told BU’s The Pipedream. “We think of ourselves as a social justice theatre. We look for issues that are either relevant, hot on the surface right now, or we look for things that are in the past that this country or this society has dealt with one way or another but not fully explored enough of and has relevance to today.”

The Fertile River at F.C.C., by Ariel Kachuro from B.U.’s The Pipedream.

The goal? To help raise awareness and encourage dialogue — part of Face It! Theatre’s inspired mission — check it out.

Learn more about Binghamton native, comedian, and playwright Vincent Terrell Durham’s life and work at his web site.

What other kinds of mission-aligned gatherings and activities happen at F.C.C.? Here are some examples…


Spiritual Book Group

The Spiritual Book Group ( hosted by Rev. Janet Abel ) has begun and we will continue to meet on Wednesdays at noon, as we discuss the book Zealot by Dr. Reza Aslan. Dr. Aslan has a BA in Religious studies, a minor in biblical Greek, a Masters in Theology of World Religions from Harvard, and a PhD in the Sociology of Religions from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Please join us at noon in the church Parlor and bring a bag lunch.