Category Archives: Audio Sermons

SERMON: Death, Resurrection and Pumpkin Spice

Guest speaker, Zach Dubord, explores our current connections to, or meaning from, Romans 18-25:

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time…”

Explore the connection between this bit of scripture and the current time in Zach’s full sermon.

Listen to the full sermon here.

Featured Image Credit: Pumpkin Spice from Pixabay (PD Image – thank you!)

SERMON: Season of Creation: The Storms of Life.

Rev. Lisa reminded us that, “The Storms of Life rage around us. Some are literal storms like Dorian.  Others are illnesses or tragedies that impact us personally.  Through them all, Jesus is in our boat, to bring calm, to see us through.”

Download and/or Listen to the full sermon here.

Featured image credit: Ludolf Backhuysen:
Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee (1695). PD Wikimedia.


SERMON: Set Free

Jesus healing the bleeding woman, Roman catacombs, 300–350. Public Domain, Wikimedia.

Rev. Lisa shares, “A woman was bent over from some ailment for 18 years. A brief encounter with Jesus, one Sabbath day, healed her and set her free.”

“What burdens weigh us down?” she asks. ” What has us bent out of shape?”

“Perhaps Sabbath can be freeing for us too.”

Follow the “Set Free” theme – listen to the full sermon here.

Learn more about First Congregational Church (UCC) Binghamton’s Mission-Inspired Action.


SERMON: What’s in Your Toybox?

Here’s Rev. Lisa’s teaser for Sunday’s sermon:

“A rich fool had an overly abundant harvest and planned to keep it all for himself.  Riches may not fall into our laps, but we all have abundance that we hold onto and don’t share.  We all have our “toybox” of favorite things we collect.  But what we hold onto leaves little room for God.”

Listen to the full sermon here.

Feature Image Credit: Abundance of Riches, public domain image, Pixabay.



SERMON: Babel Sounds

Rev. Lisa Heckman, FCC’s Transitional Minister.

When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, it enabled Jesus’ followers to declare the wonderful love of God given thru the Resurrection.

The message was heard by thousands in Jerusalem for a holy festival, but miraculously, each heard the message in his/her native language.

God speaks our language and comes to us in our messiness, meeting us right where we are.

Listen to the full sermon here.

Grace and Peace!

Rev. Lisa

Featured Image Credit: Mosaic of Pentecost in the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. Photo by Pete Unseth. CC-SSA, Wikimedia.


SERMON: Divine Inclusivity – Who’s In, Who’s Out?

Rev. Lisa Heckman delves into Psalm 148 and its example of abundant inclusivity — all are called to praise (including some that we’d rather not have around).

But then, isn’t the heart and work of that inclusivity (and so on) what being a Christian is all about?

Listen to the full 5/19 sermon here.

Featured Image Credit: People, by Geralt, PD image via Pixaby.