Happy Palm Sunday FCC/UCC family and friends! We hope you are well.

In addition to the video of this week’s Palm Sunday service, you can download or view this week’s bulletin to use at home (click here to download).
If you have any questions or challenges opening the link or the attached document, please let Kari, our FCC church administrator, know.
Kari and Rev. Daniel share their gladness that technology allows us to share these worship times together during this “pause” and “stay-at-home” time, adding,
“Please do reach out to other church family members and friends as well, and remember, our church office is still open (remotely).
Feel free to call or email us with any prayer requests, pastoral care matters, or if you are home alone and just want someone to chat with. We are here for you during such a unique time.
Please note that we are checking mail regularly, so know that any offering or mail you send to the office will be secure and responded to within a timely manner.
We are praying for you and may God’s health and blessings be upon you!”
Be well!

WORSHIP SERVICE AND SERMON – Life on God’s Terms – March 29, 2020

Good morning and God bless each of you!

Below, you’ll find this morning’s service with Rev. Dr. Daniel Ling, FCC’s Interim Minister, accompanied by FCC Organist Nancy Wildoner.

Click right here to  download this week’s bulletin, so you can follow along and join in as the Spirit moves you!

You can also watch and share comments for the service on our FCC  Facebook page as well — you’ll find it here.
Kari Hernandez, the FCC church administrator, and Rev. Daniel Ling, Interim Minister, say, “Thank you, again, for your patience during this time. We will do our best to post a video for you each week. Remember to reach out to other church family members and friends during this time. We are praying for you and may God’s health and blessings be upon you!”
Featured Image Credit: Love, by John Hain, Public Domain via Pixabay.

ANNOUNCEMENT: FCC Cancellations and Updates

Hello FCC/UCC family and friends,

As you are all aware, we are learning to navigate this nation-wide shutdown due to the Coronavirus (a.k.a. COVID 19). We are praying for each of you and for clarity, as leaders, to make wise decisions regarding our ministry and in meeting the needs of our congregation and community.

That said, after much research and many hours of conversations, the leadership of First Congregational Church have come to the following decisions:

  1. Starting immediately, Sunday service will be cancelled through Sunday, April 5th.  Future services will be evaluated in the coming weeks. We are working to prepare a virtual option for you so you can stay connected to FCC/UCC on a weekly basis. Additional emails will be forthcoming, that will detail how to access our sermon videos and ways that you can give during this temporary shutdown.
  2. Our Wednesday evening Lenten Soup Suppers and Music & Meditation services and all additional church-related activities have been cancelled.
  3. Starting Monday, March 23rd, our business functions will be temporarily moved offsite. Kari Hernandez, our Church Administrator will be working from home to meet our business and ministry needs. Though she will have phones forwarded to her, please respect her and her family by calling her during our normal business hours, which are Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-3:00pm. Feel free to send her an email at any time, either during or outside normal business hours at
  4. Our Pastoral Care will continue and be coordinated with Rev. Daniel on an as needed basis. Please keep all communication open with us should you need Pastoral Care or other assistance during this shutdown. We will still send weekly emails to communicate prayer needs, so keep those requests coming to us by emailing us at
  5. On a more sensitive note, while services have been suspended, our business operations and facility maintenance still need to continue. It will be more important now, then ever before, that we are able to receive your continued support through your offerings. We are considering an online option to give but until that time, please mail your offering to the church office. This can be done however you choose (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.).
  6. Since Easter Sunday Service is undecided at this moment, anyone who has given toward our Easter Flowers will have the option to receive a refund or use the funds toward future altar flower orders. Please notify Kari about your preference and she will see to it that it is handled according to your wish.

Please be assured that we are taking every precaution to care for our church family and our employees. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented time.

We encourage you to reach out to other church members and friends via phone or email. Please pray for one another and encourage each other.

In such an uncertain time, it is easy to feel anxious or even fearful. Please know that, we as church leaders, are here to support you in any way that we can.

We will keep you apprised as things change so please stay connected to us on email, Facebook and our website.

Standing with you,

Toni Rorapaugh, Deacon Chair and Bernie Lewis, Trustee Chair

ANNOUNCEMENT: Coronavirus precautions and updates

On behalf of our Pastor Daniel Ling and our Board Chairs:

In light of the recent spread of Coronavirus, here in New York State, we are making the following changes here at FCC:

  • Services will continue as scheduled until further notice. This includes all Sunday services and our Wednesday night Lenten services. As you enter the Sanctuary please feel free to spread out as much as you like.
  • Changes were made last week to our time of “Peace”. Those changes will continue and are as follows: no physical contact, rather greet with a smile, bow, peace sign or ankle “shake”.
  • All events and fellowships involving food and/or beverages will be cancelled or postponed. This includes our fellowship hour in the Parlor immediately following service and Wednesday night Lenten Soup Suppers. Our Fellowship Night scheduled for Friday, March 20th will be postponed to a later date. Also note, that the Deliberative Conversation on Race and Social Justice, hosted by Doug Garnar, and scheduled for Sunday, March 22nd has been cancelled.
  • Hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes and Lysol have been placed throughout the building. Please make use of these items while you are here.
  • The building has been and will continue to be disinfected on a regular basis and in between gatherings.

We thank you for your patience as we chart new waters and wade through these changing circumstances.

As verified information becomes available, we will advise you of any changes.

If you have any questions or concerns you may have, be directed to one of our Board Chairs (Toni Rorapaugh, Deacon Chair and Bernie Lewis, Trustee Chair) or call the church office and speak with Kari Hernandez, Church Administrator.

First Congregational Church

30 Main Street, Binghamton, NY 13905


No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.