SERMON: Christianity 2.0 – Part 1: The Spark That Lights the Fire

The Rev. Dr. Art Suggs started his Christianity 2.0 sermon series this way:

“As a Senior Pastor,  I am convinced that the Church Universal is in need of, and is in deed in the midst of, a new Reformation.

The Church in conversation with the world religions, and especially with the multiple branches of science, finds itself in need of an upgrade.

Redefining divinity, humanity, and the relationship between them, is now the prime directive for our time.

Previous understandings are clearly inadequate.

Therefore, my attempt at Christianity 2.0. It is time to install an upgrade .”

Oh, and Martin Luther? He had some issues with the Church and its rules in his time, too.

Read on for more intel and inspiration on Christianity 2.0 – Part 1:

Christianity 2.0 – Part 1: The Spark That Lights the Fire (11-19-17 Sermon)

SERMON: Surpassing Worth – Pollyanna’s Glad Game and Troubled Times

Bronze statue of Pollyanna in front of the public library of Littleton, New Hampshire. CC, Davey Nin via Wikimedia.

“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

In this sermon, Pastor Art speaks of the story of Pollyanna and her “Glad Game,” and where a positive attitude fits in when particularly horrible events occur in our society.

He says, “In our culture, being labeled Pollyanna or Pollyanna-ish is actually an insult. It means that you’re unrealistically positive , and that’s what I’m wrestling with today.”

“I have an extremely high view of humanity, as you all know: Made in the image of God; children of God; the kingdom of heaven within us — all these kinds of good things.”

“Am I being Pollyanna-ish? That’s for you to decide.”

Read the full sermon: Surpassing Worth (10-8-17)