SERMON: Set Free

Jesus healing the bleeding woman, Roman catacombs, 300–350. Public Domain, Wikimedia.

Rev. Lisa shares, “A woman was bent over from some ailment for 18 years. A brief encounter with Jesus, one Sabbath day, healed her and set her free.”

“What burdens weigh us down?” she asks. ” What has us bent out of shape?”

“Perhaps Sabbath can be freeing for us too.”

Follow the “Set Free” theme – listen to the full sermon here.

Learn more about First Congregational Church (UCC) Binghamton’s Mission-Inspired Action.


SERMON: What’s in Your Toybox?

Here’s Rev. Lisa’s teaser for Sunday’s sermon:

“A rich fool had an overly abundant harvest and planned to keep it all for himself.  Riches may not fall into our laps, but we all have abundance that we hold onto and don’t share.  We all have our “toybox” of favorite things we collect.  But what we hold onto leaves little room for God.”

Listen to the full sermon here.

Feature Image Credit: Abundance of Riches, public domain image, Pixabay.