Mark Your Calendar: The Spring (Spiritual) Happening 2019

Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 4th, 9-5 p.m.

That’s when this year’s Spring Happening will be held here at First Congregational Church.

Attendees can stop by and hear talks on spiritual topics, browse the $1 Spiritual Books tables, share spiritual conversation, and break bread (well, sample from the various salads that participants and attendees are welcome to bring to the share-a-dish meal!).

This year’s Spring Happening speakers include Jim Bryden, Tom Meade, Art Suggs, Tom Moberg, and Rick Gridley.

The requested donation for the event is $10, and attendees are invited to bring a salad to share for the bring-a-dish meal.

The Spring Happening is co-sponsored by Binghamton Spiritual Study Group and First Congregational Church.

Learn more about the speakers and the event.