ANNOUNCEMENT: Coronavirus precautions and updates

On behalf of our Pastor Daniel Ling and our Board Chairs:

In light of the recent spread of Coronavirus, here in New York State, we are making the following changes here at FCC:

  • Services will continue as scheduled until further notice. This includes all Sunday services and our Wednesday night Lenten services. As you enter the Sanctuary please feel free to spread out as much as you like.
  • Changes were made last week to our time of “Peace”. Those changes will continue and are as follows: no physical contact, rather greet with a smile, bow, peace sign or ankle “shake”.
  • All events and fellowships involving food and/or beverages will be cancelled or postponed. This includes our fellowship hour in the Parlor immediately following service and Wednesday night Lenten Soup Suppers. Our Fellowship Night scheduled for Friday, March 20th will be postponed to a later date. Also note, that the Deliberative Conversation on Race and Social Justice, hosted by Doug Garnar, and scheduled for Sunday, March 22nd has been cancelled.
  • Hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes and Lysol have been placed throughout the building. Please make use of these items while you are here.
  • The building has been and will continue to be disinfected on a regular basis and in between gatherings.

We thank you for your patience as we chart new waters and wade through these changing circumstances.

As verified information becomes available, we will advise you of any changes.

If you have any questions or concerns you may have, be directed to one of our Board Chairs (Toni Rorapaugh, Deacon Chair and Bernie Lewis, Trustee Chair) or call the church office and speak with Kari Hernandez, Church Administrator.

First Congregational Church

30 Main Street, Binghamton, NY 13905
