All posts by Jamie Walters

FCC Re-Opening: See you on Sunday, September 27th!

On behalf of the Board of Deacons, Board of Trustees
and the Reopening Committee…We are pleased to announce that First Congregational Church will Reopen on Sunday, September 27th at 10:00am.
To ensure the safety of our church family we request that you adhere to the new guidelines set forth below. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the church office at 732-8981, Monday-Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.



Our reopening committee and staff have been working hard to plan for the safe reopening of our beloved First Congregational Church. Based on state and local requirements, we have developed the following guidelines for each of us to follow:

  • Face coverings will be required upon entry to the building. If you need one, please contact the church office.
  • Social distancing of 6 feet (minimum) will be observed at all times.
  • Physical contact with those outside of your household should be avoided. Air hugs are highly recommended as well as contagious smiles!
  • Entry will be limited to the ramp entrance only. The Front Street Sanctuary doors to the outside will not be open.
  • Everyone will be required to sign-in upon arrival for tracing purposes. You may preregister by calling or emailing the church office to provide your name, address, phone number and email to help sign-in go quicker. OR you may bring a printed address label with you.
  • Please consider coming early to allow time for sign-in and for a slower entry into the Sanctuary due to social distancing.
  • At this time, we are not able to accommodate childcare for children of any age. Children will remain in the Sanctuary and are asked to stay seated with their appropriate household.
  • Seating in the Sanctuary will look very different. Please keep in mind that you may not be able to sit in the pew you are accustomed to and that your seating may change from week to week.
  • The bulletins will contain everything you will need to follow along with the service (scripture, hymns, readings, etc.). They will be located in the pews and will be an indication as to where you can sit upon entry into the Sanctuary.
  • Bibles and Hymnals are to remain in the pew racks.
  • Currently, due to state guidelines, we will be unable to sing along with the hymns but we do encourage you to hum along with them!
  • All prayer requests and announcements will need to be submitted to Kari the Wednesday prior to each Sunday service in order to be included in the service announcements.
  • Communion will be suspended until it is deemed safe to resume.
  • Offering will be collected by placing your envelope in a basket upon exiting the Sanctuary.
  • Once service is over, we will leave the building in an orderly manner to allow for social distancing (dismissed row by row).
  • Coffee hour and other such gatherings will remain suspended until further notice.
  • One person at a time will allowed in the restrooms.
  • Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the building. Please wash your hands or use sanitizing stations frequently.
  • We ask that if you are not feeling well and/or may be exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms, that you refrain from attending until you feel better.
Flexibility will be key to a wonderful worship experience. We are looking forward to seeing all of your beautifully masked faces soon!
Featured Image Credit: Public domain images from Raw Pixels.

SERVICE: Sunday, August 30, 2020 – Who is in the Driver’s Seat?



You can also view today’s service, or add your comments, at FCC’s Facebook page, here.

Featured Image Credit: Sunflower Field by Ian L., public domain image courtesy of Public Domain Pictures.

Crandall Academic Achievement Awards 2020

Over 100 years ago, Mrs. Crandall, a member of First Congregational Church, established a fund to help students with educational expenses.

Others have added to the Crandall Fund over the years, and using the interest on this fund (not the invested principal), our church has been able to help many students with their school expenses.

Both high school and college academics have taken on new dimensions during the 2020 pandemic, just as we have had to adjust how we do the work of our church this year.

So, although we are offering this ministry later in the year than we usually do, we are now offering the Academic Achievement Awards for 2020.

Any church member or their relative, and any Friend of FCC, is eligible to apply for an Award.

You can download the Academic Achievement Award application form below, or you can contact the FCC church office to receive one by mail or email.

Please mail, email or deliver your completed application to the church office by September 30, 2020.

The Deacons award committee will make a decision on Awards before the end of this year.

If you have questions, please contact Kari Hernandez, FCC’s church administrator, at FCC’s office to speak with Pastor Daniel or one of our Deacons.

First Congregational Church/UCC
30 Main Street Binghamton, NY 13905
(607) 723-8981
fcc “at” binghamtonwireless “dot” com
“Fundamentalism…speaks from a situation from the past. It elevates something finite and transitory to infinite and eternal validity. In this respect, fundamentalism has demonic traits.”
–Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology
(Featured Photo Credit:  Cross and Church at St. Patrick’s Well, Marlfield. By Rustythedog, CC via Wikimedia.)