Category Archives: Events

The Preservation Association of the Southern Tier, (PAST) Tour Event

First Congregational Church is on the Sacred Sites Tour this year- May 17th, 2015 11:30-1:30pm.  We will have tours going through our beautiful church while  sharing some of our history.   We will also have refreshments available in the parlor.

  • First Congregational Church Established September 25,1836
  • Church Building Dedicated August 17,1869
Stained Glass Windows on South Wall of Sanctuary
Stained Glass Windows on South Wall of Sanctuary
High View of Organ
High View of Organ
Sanctuary Altar
Sanctuary Altar


Links to more historic information about the church

 A Brief History

First Congregational Church – Binghamton, NY – Continental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites on
First Congregational Church of Binghamton on website

The Coming Interspiritual Age Conference with Kurt Johnson

Spiritual Evolution: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Location: First Congregational Church, 30 Main St. Binghamton


April 24th, April 25th, April 26th, 2015


Friday, April 24

9 am-12pm and 1:30 pm-4:30 pm

  • What is Inter-Spirituality
  • Before Inter-Spirituality
  • Origins of Inter-Spirituality
  • Emergence of Current Spirituality
  • Science and Spirituality
  • Why Inter-Spirituality
  • Evolution and Spirituality
  • The Necessity for Inter-Spirituality

7 pm – 8:30 pm

Meditation/Satsang Circle

Saturday, April 25

9 am-12pm and 1:30 pm-4:30 pm

  • Inter-Spirituality in our Pluralistic Society
  • Inter-Spirituality as a Spiritual path
  • Practical Inter-Spirituality
  • Inter-spiritual Prayer & Meditation
  • Church/Community
  • The Coming Inter-Spiritual age
  • Overcoming Darkness
  • Stages of Human Consciousness

7 pm – 830 pm

Meditation/Satsang Circle

Sunday, April 26

10 am – 11:30 am

Inter-Spirituality, Ecology and Peace
and Worship

Kurt Johnson

Kurt JohnsonKurt Johnson is well known internationally as a scientist, comparative religionist, social activist and former monastic. With a PhD in evolution, ecology, systematics, and comparative biology, plus extensive training in comparative religion and philosophy, he was associated professionally for twenty years with the American Museum of Natural History and also the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City. Ordained in three spiritual traditions, he is widely regarded as the closest associate of Brother Wayne Teasdale, the founder of the modern “interspiritual movement,” and works also with the international Contemplative
Alliance and Father Thomas Keating, founder of the Centering Prayer Movement. In science, Dr. Johnson has published over 200 professional articles and seven books on evolution and ecology. His popular book Nabokov’s Blues: The Scientific Odyssey of a literary Genius (co-authored with New York Times journalist Steve Coates) was a “ten best” book in science in 2000 at Booklist, library Journal, the Washington Post and HMS Beagle and “Editor’s Choice for 1999” at The Seattle Times. Johnson and Teasdale cofounded the international Inter-Spiritual Dialogue association in 2002, which presented at the 2004 Parliament of the World’s Religions and
then expanded to become the virtual inter-Spiritual Multiplex web resource.

THE COMING INTERSPIRITUAL AGE by Kurt Johnson and David Robert Ord, Namaste Publishing, now available

For questions about this event please call our office at 607-723-8981




Easter Sunrise Service 8AM, Traditional Service 10AM

Easter Sunday April 5, 2015

There will be a 8AM “sunrise” service on Easter Sunday, April 5th, at Recreation Park, Beethoven Street Binghamton, New York, at the bandstand, Joyful Noise will provide the music and a short sermon will be included within the service. We will then have refreshments back at the church, prior to our traditional Easter Service at 10AM. ( Easter Sunrise Service will be held at FCC 30 Main Street Binghamton, New York if the weather is uncooperative).

Seder Dinner Celebration for Maundy Thursday

This year is one of those years where Holy Week for Christians coincides with Passover for Jews ( Passover begins at sundown on Good Friday, April 3rd). In light of this, we will be hosting a (mostly) traditional Seder dinner on Maundy Thursday, April 2nd at 6:30PM. The tradition at FCC over the last several years has been to have a Tenebrae and Communion Service on Maundy Thursday, but this year we will be celebrating Passover in much the same way that Jesus did with his disciples when they were observing Passover that later became know as the Last Supper.

This will be coordinated by Leslie and Pastors Art and Janet. We invite you to join us for Seder dinner and service in the Fellowship Hall. All you need to do is sign up as guests on the hallway invite so we know how many people to serve. Of course, if you have ever made matzoh ball soup or a good brisket, let us know!

This event has nearly reached capacity, so this event is only open to church members and regular attendees at this time.

For more information contact our office at 723-8981, Monday to Thursday 9AM to 3PM


UCC Binghamton at Pride Palooza 2014

UCC Binghamton had a table at Pride Palooza 2014 on June 14th Pride Palooza ran from Noon to 8pm. This is the 10th year for Pride Palooza.  Pride Palooza is held on on Court Street from State Street to the Roundabout and then down Collier Street. Right in downtown Binghamton,NY.

UCC Binghamton table at Pride Palooza in Downtown Binghamton

For more information about Pride Palooza visit…

Binghamton Pride