Category Archives: Audio Sermons

SERMON: The God of Second Chances

Rev. Lisa explores scriptural parables, contemporary experiences of people like you and me, and how, whether in times of ease or intense challenge, chaos or order, God’s mercy is greater than God’s judgment.

Mature fig tree, Palestine. Wikimedia

The God of Second Chances allows us the time to ripen and bear fruit, while also tilling the soil of our being, nourishing root and plant, so that healing and new growth can take place.

As Rev. Lisa reminded us,

“Many are going through challenging times or times of transition, but God is present with you even when it seems hopeless!”

How might God’s tender care make itself known to us? Listen in …

Listen to the sermon here (audio)

Featured Image Credit: Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, by Tango7174, CC Wikimedia.