Tag Archives: Course in Miracles

Mark Your Calendar: This Moment is Your Miracle (May 2019)

Jenny and Greg Donner, teachers of A Course in Miracles, will be offering a workshop at F.C.C. in early May 2019 as they come through Binghamton on their U.S. tour.

Greg and Jenny will guide students deeper into the teachings of A Course in Miracles using David Hoffmeister’s new book, This Moment Is Your Miracle, as a springboard.

Come and join us for an experience that is deeply healing and authentic.

When:  Saturday, May 4, 7-9pm, and Sunday, May 5, 2-6pm.

Where:  First Congregational Church, 30 Main St, Binghamton, N.Y.

This even is co-sponsored by FCC’s Adult Education Committee.

For more information, please visit Jenny Donner’s site.

Featured Image Credit: Public Domain Pictures.