Tag Archives: First Congregational Church Binghamton

THE FORECASTER: February 2022 Edition

Have you missed recent FCC news?

Here is the February edition of FCC’s The Forecaster, with updates on community news, events, and inspiration.

View or download The Forecaster – February 2022 here.

Get fresh inspiration from BookWords (bits from some of the many books in the FCC library).

Not sure what BookWords is? View or download it here.

If you have questions about upcoming services, events, or news, contact the FCC offices here.

Featured Image Credit: Winter Landscape, oil painting, George Hodan via Public Domain Pictures.

EVENTS: 150th Anniversary of Historic FCC

There is always a rich history in a place. The beautiful and historical First Congregational Church church building provides an inspiring sanctuary and meeting place for FCC’s congregation as well as a diversity of other spiritual groups who gather in FCC’s community spaces.

For the 150th anniversary of our historic church building, Clare and Arlene Price put together this historical tour:

Open and/or download the FCC Historical Tour.