Tag Archives: Isaiah

SERMON: God of Surprises

Rev. Lisa reminds us that, “Isaiah and Mary speak and sing of God doing amazingly new things, changing the world order as we know it.  They do so out of hope, not optimism, for life around them is far from optimistic.”

Watch Rev. Lisa’s sermon, God of Surprises, or download the audio version below.

Download the audio version here.

Featured Image Credit: Sunrise at Whitefish Dunes State Park. PD courtesy of Good Free Photos.com.

SERMON: The Trajectory of Hope

“The book of Isaiah was written for people living in the worst of times.  Life around them didn’t give a lot of reason to hope,” Rev. Lisa shared. “Yet, God speaks words of assurance that the future is in God’s hands.  Through that, we do have reason to hope!”

Listen to or download the full sermon here.

Featured Image Credit: Photo from Flash Alexander via Public Domain Pictures, PD.