Tag Archives: Nature

February 2018 Forecaster – Sermon Series Preview: Archetypal Symbols and Biblical Hotspots

The Rev. Dr. Arthur Suggs

In this edition of the Forecaster, the Rev. Dr. Art Suggs gives a heads up on two unusual sermon series on deck. He writes:

“Sermon Series!

But there are other kinds of series as well.

We looked at mystics on and off for nearly a year a while back.

I think a fascinating series could be made of the notion “God is Still Speaking.” We could look at potential answers to the question of what God has been saying lately, and where is that communication found.

I spent a year once on “Those Famous Old Testament Stories” looking at the stories of Noah, Samson, the Tower of Babel, Jonah and the Whale, and many others. Predictably the favorite one in that series was about David and Bathsheba. Another series I enjoyed immensely was one on Jesus’ Parables. There are a lot of them, and some fantastic lessons to be learned from them.

In the Mountains, 1867, by Albert Bierstadt. {{PD}} Wikimedia.

Right now I’m doing one on some of the deep archetypal concepts threading their way through the entirety of the Scriptures: trees, mountains, light, music, and water. That series will take us up to but not including Lent.

Then for Lent I’m beginning a new one, and admittedly one I’m a bit nervous about. It’s about the Bible.

And the main reason I’m nervous is that I have had a love/hate relationship with the Bible for years. (I realize that I shouldn’t admit that publicly, but I would rather be honest.) It amazes me still that something containing such beauty and profundity as the Bible could at the same time be so brutal and primitive, and lend itself so easily to being weaponized.”

Rev. Dr. Suggs sums up his message with, “Wish me luck on this, please. What I will be trying to balance is the love and the hate. I will try to be fair, and perhaps even a touch reverent, but I’m also not going to go easy on it.”

We’ll be posting the sermons from the series mentioned above over the coming weeks.Iin the meanwhile, you’ll find the Christianity 2.0 Sermon Series and others here.

Download the full edition of the February Forecaster, with additional announcements and upcoming programs and services.