Tag Archives: Spiritual Healing

SERMON: Set Free

Jesus healing the bleeding woman, Roman catacombs, 300–350. Public Domain, Wikimedia.

Rev. Lisa shares, “A woman was bent over from some ailment for 18 years. A brief encounter with Jesus, one Sabbath day, healed her and set her free.”

“What burdens weigh us down?” she asks. ” What has us bent out of shape?”

“Perhaps Sabbath can be freeing for us too.”

Follow the “Set Free” theme – listen to the full sermon here.

Learn more about First Congregational Church (UCC) Binghamton’s Mission-Inspired Action.


SERMON: The Overture – Why Does the Christmas Story Matter?

Why does the Christmas story matter?

Because Jesus was teaching spiritual freedom in a time of brutal occupation and slavery, where there was no sense of justice for oppressed peoples.

As Pastor Art notes in the sermon, “So this cute story, with animals and angels, and wise men and shepherds is at the root of a parabolic overture to a deeper and grander story of spiritual freedom and spiritual healing for all of us.”

Read the full sermon – The Overture (12-3-17)

Featured Image Credit: The Holy Night, 1867, by Carl Heinrich Bloch. {{PD-1923}}